Monday 4 February 2008

Labour of Love Treasury

I haven't done a treasury for ages.... just didn't get round to it, but I've been watching the treasuries for 24 hours straight... calculating the exact time I could pounce on one!!!.... it sounds crazy.... but what a rush!!!! :-) well what can I say my life as a single mum... doesn't get much more exiting than this! :-)
anyway, I got one... and it would be great if you could all pop in and... click about and... maybe if it's not too much to ask.... maybe... leave a comment! :-)

I would post a screen print of the beautiful beadwork that I had a really hard time choosing.... but then you wouldn't need to actually go there and give your clicks! :-) now would you?! :-)

The treasury runs out Thursday 7th February.... so hurry!!! :-)

AND... If you want to see the finished piece.... :-) click: Sunflowers

P.S. for some reason my spell check doesn't seem to be working!!! which is a nightmare for me, cos I tend to make silly mistakes.... so if you find any, I apologise, but english is my 3rd language! :-)

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